Why I love Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening
I honestly have never been one to go out of my way to read poetry, it has never really been my thing. So when faced with a writing a blog post on a poem that I personally love I wasn’t quite sure where to begin. I started by researching popular poems, and after awhile of searching I finally found one that I enjoyed. "Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening" by Robert Frost was written in 1923 and is a poem that I truly enjoy.
The poem essentially is a few moments of reflection made by a traveler stopping by some woods to reflect on the falling snow. The traveler briefly contemplates the owner of the woods and what he may think of the situation, but knows the owner won’t be anywhere around. The traveler also contemplates the questioning done by the horse about the situation, about why they have stopped in the middle of nowhere. But this is not of concern for the traveler, for now all that the traveler wants to focus on is the beauty and peacefulness of the situation.
“But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep.” And seemingly, before you know it, it’s time to get a move on. This brief period of reflection and relaxation is ended by the fact that the traveler has places to be.
“To watch his woods fill up with snow,” I can relate with the joy of simply watching nature and being immersed
in that moment. I personally have a love for nature, any season of the year I can always simple take a step outside and relax. In regard to the specifics of this poem itself, one of my favorite times of the year is winter. There’s just a feeling that I get watching the snow fall that doesn’t compare to anything else, it’s as if I ware a child again watching the first snowfall of the year.
All things must come to an end however. Our lives are so busy that we seldom have a moment to just stop and enjoy the moment, that's what I got out of the poem, that's what it means to me. We should often take time to reflect on where
we are before we push ahead.
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